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Postulate: Can the Internet be used to restore a Republic once it has fallen into corruption?

No republic has ever been restored after falling into corruption. I think we can use our Type 1 civilization communication system to do it.

They still have to count write in ballots by hand, that's how we elect a not presented to us candidate for president to lead the fight for freedom, folks.

I'll dox myself if this gains enough momentum.
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August 08, 2023
The Last Executive Order

Today, we find ourselves facing a dire and unprecedented situation in our great nation. Our once proud republic, founded on the principles of liberty, justice, and equality, is now crumbling under the weight of greed, lust for power, and a loss of connection with We The People. It is a dire situation that calls for bold action.. The cherished Constitution of 1789, the cornerstone of our nation's governance, was tampered with and stripped of its core values, and replaced with municipal corporations.

Our founding forefathers were about as far removed in history from the Renaissance as we are from them today, and they knew that lawyers had gained undue influence over government's in the monarchies that granted them their esquire titles. They had the vision to secure a 13th Amendment, which protected us from the undue influence of esquires and ensured that our government would be a true representation of the people's will. At the end of the Civil War, through treachery and deceit, that very amendment was removed, and the esquires forced their way into positions of power, sowing seeds of corruption and self-interest at every level of government ever since.

But today, we can stand united, refusing to accept this betrayal of our republican ideals any longer. It is time to issue an executive order that unsuspends the Constitution of 1789 and restores America to its rightful status as a republic, governed by and for the people.

The last executive order shall be an act of courage, an act of defiance against those who seek to erode the very foundations of our liberty. It will pave the way for meaningful reforms and a renewed emphasis on the principles of checks and balances, safeguarding us against the encroachment of corruption.

Our republic was born out of the belief that we are all equal, that we are endowed with certain God given rights, and that no individual or group shall trample upon those rights. We must reclaim that spirit, that sense of justice and fairness, and breathe life back into the hallowed halls of our government. We must restore the proper balance of power, reaffirm the separation of powers, and ensure that our government serves the people, not private interests

The last executive order is not an act of aggression but an act of healing, a remedy for the wounds inflicted upon our republic. We seek to undo the damage done by those who have forgotten their duty to serve the public and instead serve their own interests. By prohibiting "esquires" from being citizens or holding office in government, we aim to safeguard against undue influence and conflicts of interest. This measure is not about discrimination but about protecting the true interests of the people and restoring integrity to our public offices.

As we unsuspend the Constitution of 1789, we will embrace a new era of accountability, transparency, and integrity. We shall demand that our representatives act in the best interests of the people, upholding the principles of our Constitution, and recommitting to the ideals that made our nation strong.

Let us rise above division and partisanship, and together, rebuild the America envisioned by our founders. An America where justice reigns, where the voice of the people echoes in every decision, and where the spirit of our Republic burns brightly.

In issuing this executive order, we will declare that the Constitution of 1789 is not a relic of the past but a living testament to our shared values. It is our guiding light, our compass, and our protector against tyranny.

May the last executive order be a beacon of hope for our nation, inspiring a renewed commitment to the republican principles that have made us strong. Let us stand together, hand in hand, as we embark on a journey to reclaim our republic and secure a brighter future for generations to come. By restoring the Constitution, we send a resounding message that the voice of the people cannot and will not be silenced.

God bless America.

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